Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Aladdin's Nursery
Aladin's Nursery is a place my father frequented  for his roses. I was very young then about 4 or 5, it was the early sixties. I remember it being somewhat dark and shady inside, the sound of fountains filling the air.  And also the smell of mulch and wet dirt. It was a bit of a wonderland for me. Like my own private little jungle. I was free to explore while Dad shopped. I ran and jumped and put my fingers in all the fountains. It was a place I loved to go with Dad and looked forward to the roses every year.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Five Mile House and a Big Red Pegasus Horse....

When I was very little, say about 4 or 5, Hames road did not go through to Freedom Blvd. So we drove around to the Five Mile House, when coming from the Santa Cruz side.  A left onto Corallitos road and we were home in minutes. The Five Mile House at the time was a gas station. I believe it was a Texaco, complete with a large Red flying Pegasus Horse on the north side. At night with a spotlight, it was very dramatic. For me,  I always new I was minutes from home when I saw it. Coming from the old Skyview Drivein movie  in back seat of Dad's Studibaker. We were covered with woolen Pullman blankets my Dad had saved from his Railroad job. It was maybe 1958 or 60. I wish I had a picture of  it at night. I always sat up on those big bench seats when the Five Mile House came into view. Now when I come  home at night, I secretly wish to see a Big Red Pegasus Horse flying by at Corralitos Road and Freedom Blvd.