Close Neighbors.
The Hedgpeths lived over the little hill that meanders off the corner of Blake and Aldridge roads. Running along the orchard, their driveway ended below their house. They were teachers or Educators as they would say. Ann and Edward were an older couple from the east coast. They had two older sons Eddy and Rolly and also a late baby girl, Ann Marie. She was my older sisters age and they were best friends. I was about 4 or 5 then. Their home was my first experience with real art and antiques. It was filled with it and the smell of French cooking permeated the air. Ann was a college girl and worked out side the home. She bore a resemblance to Julia Child and drove a Volvo. She stopped by our house at One Blake rd. at least once a week and She and my Mother would engage in the local gossip and the politics of the day. I can still hear that noisey old Vovo coming up the driveway.
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